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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Orlando

September 23, 2024

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Orlando

Numerous people partake in alcoholic refreshments now and then. But alcohol can be habit-forming. If you use alcohol to deal with life or find you’re not able to manage your drinking, you could have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This disorder can quickly take over your life and have a adverse affect on all the things you enjoyed before. 
But there is hope. If you feel you or a person you care about have alcohol use disorder near Orlando, care and lasting recovery are within reach. Find out more about AUD and what to do if you require help immediately. 

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is an illness where you feel the urge to ingest alcohol despite the adverse consequences of overconsumption. Your brain calls for alcohol’s mind-altering qualities and fails to perform reliably without them. AUD can be severe, moderate, or mild. At its most intense, you are in danger of an overdose with fatal repercussions. 
When going through AUD, you could become addicted to alcohol and suffer disturbing withdrawal symptoms if you cease drinking. Without skilled assistance, you can’t stop yourself from drinking alcohol to ease the discomfort your body undergoes when you start alcohol detox. If you can stop “cold turkey,” you still have to fight the habit of frequent drinking. AUD needs specialized treatment to enjoy a full recovery. 

Why Do Individuals Develop Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Lots of people in Orlando drink, but not all of them develop an alcohol use disorder. Various factors help determine your odds of developing AUD: 

  • Drinking at an early age
  • Underlying mental health conditions
  • Past trauma 
  • Poor coping skills
  • Genetics
  • Family history of addiction 
Many people begin binging on alcohol as a response to stressful events. In the absence of constructive coping strategies, it’s easy to counteract the uneasy feelings that emerge from trauma and mental illness with the chemical stimulation of alcohol. Whenever those negative feelings return, you rely on alcohol to block them again. You feel better temporarily when drinking alcohol. 
Unfortunately, alcohol is not ever an answer. When you consume it habitually, you can become reliant on those chemicals to live your daily life. When you go without them, you feel more unpleasant than you did prior and are compelled to drink more. Over time, drinking controls your life and adversely infuences your relationships, career, finances, health, and hobbies. When you become caught in this downward spiral, you cannot stop drinking without specialized care. 

What Are Common Alcohol Addiction Symptoms?

Continual drinking doesn’t definitively indicate a disorder. Alcohol use manifests into a disorder when it starts to interfere with your life. Numerous negative behaviors associated with drinking can signify an alcohol use disorder. 
You might have AUD if you: 

  • Frequently drink more or longer than you planned
  • Can’t cease drinking even when wanting to
  • Spend a lot of time obtaining and drinking alcohol, even though it makes you ill or disrupts other parts of life
  • You’re compelled to drink so much you aren’t able to direct attention on other things
  • Have engaged in dangerous behaviors while consuming alcohol 
  • Have to drink more than before in order to achieve the sought-after result 
  • Have given up enjoyable activities so you can drink 
  • Have continued drinking despite its impact on friends and family
  • Suffer withdrawal symptoms when you quit drinking alcohol 
The more symptoms of AUD you have, the more severe your circumstances are. But anyone who’s displaying signals of alcohol addiction symptoms near Orlando has a right to specialized treatment and support. You shouldn’t have to face alcohol use disorder on your own. 

What You Should Know About Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have an alcohol addiction, your body requires it to function. If you halt usage, you become sick. This is called withdrawal. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are different for each individual and are reflective of how extreme your alcohol consumption is. If you begin to withdrawal, you could face any mix of these symptoms: 
  • Insomnia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache 
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating 
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations 
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Delusions 
  • Confusion
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fever
  • High blood pressure 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a sure-fire indication that you or a person you care about has AUD and should get help. Withdrawal is often painful and, in rare cases, even lethal if not managed by medical providers. If a person close to you| desires to quit alcohol but experiences withdrawal if they attempt to, reach out to a Orlando substance use treatment provider for expert care. 

Can You “Cure” Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol use disorder and addiction are considered chronic illnesses. With that in mind, there is no cure. However, there is hope for long-term recovery. With a customized combination of mental health and medical care, you can discover how to navigate the urge to drink and attain a sober life. It’s an arduous undertaking, but many individuals move past alcohol use disorder in Orlando  and take back control of their lives. 

Finding Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment In Orlando

No person can achieve sobriety by themselves–and you shouldn’t have to! Finding alcohol use disorder treatment near Orlando might be unnerving, but you deserve professional treatment to help you get your life back. 
Alcohol use recovery might feel more feasible when you look at it as several steps. There isn’t a single journey to sobriety. Many individuals endure relapses and go through some of these steps several times. But you should know, you can get support from family members and trained practitioners during your recovery. 
Alcohol detox: Your preliminary step is to detox from alcohol. When your system flushes out those chemicals, you need medical guidance to maintain your comfort and safety. When you’re set to end your alcohol dependence, request admittance to a residential detox center near Orlando. They will provide round-the-clock care for one or two weeks as you undergo withdrawal. 
Alcohol rehab: Following detox, your mind and body will still want alcohol. You must proceed to residential rehab care where medical providers can help you manage post-acute withdrawal. Alcohol rehab emphasizes mending your brain from the influence of alcohol usage. You’ll go to a few hours of therapy daily to treat the mental side of AUD. You’ll remain in rehab for whatever length of time is right for you. 
Outpatient addiction treatment: Rehab will stabilize you enough to go back home, but you will still need ongoing support to stay sober. Don’t exit rehab without joining an outpatient addiction program that supplies therapy and medical-assisted treatment. You can live at home or at a sober living accommodation, but you still need to engage counselors and a doctor during the week. 
Sober living: Eventually, your need for therapy will taper off. Even so, recovery is a long-term endeavor. Tap into the network of addiction specialists, loved ones, and new mentors you have built to continue living a healthy life. Steer clear of people or activities that trigger you to drink. Get help when you need it. Enduring recovery is possible!  

Get Help Today For Alcohol Use Disorder Near Orlando

You don’t need to fight alcohol addiction alone. Talk to Evolve Recovery Center Orlando to learn more about compassionate, specialized alcohol use disorder treatment near Orlando. You can request help at 407-305-3458 or by submitting the form on this page. One of our team members will respond immediately, no matter the day or time. Your call is free and private. We’ll help you get the care you need today.